Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas weekend, David's Birthday and 27 weeks


Opening Presents at my Parents house Christmas morning!

Tannon and her Stocking, the little blue puppy you see in these picture was her favorite thing to play with out of her stocking.

Tannon and her Barbie, Tannon asked for a new barbie, a barbie car and a scooter, so thats what she got. I was trying to stay away from toys this year cause she has to many and no room so she got lots of clothes and shoes this year, which she needed cause she is growing so fast.

David opening his presents some of the things he got, some Micheal Creighton books he wanted, James bond movies, a new driver, clothes, and a Pellet gun.

After Presents with my family we had Christmas Breakfast, took a nap and then we got to talk to my brother Chris on the phone, it was so nice to talk to him and I can't wait till he gets home in November and then off to David's parents house.

Christmas at the Anderson's

Tannon and Grandpa Anderson. Tannon loves her Grandpa Anderson she could play with him all day and all night. She loves being at the Anderson home period cause everyone there gives her so much attention and they get so excited to see her, she has great Grandparents, Uncles and Aunts on that side of the family who just love her so much.

Tannon helping Uncle Peter open his present.

We got pretty spoiled from both sides of the family, we really have two great families and we love them so much. Thanks for all of the gifts we loved them all. After presents we had Christmas dinner at the Andersons. We all had a good Christmas.

David's 26th Birthday!

So David's birthday was yesterday the 28th, but I took David out for his birthday on Saturday night to dinner at Texas Roadhouse and then off to see the new James Bond movie, David loved the movie, I was kinda lost through out the movie but as long as David liked it, right? Then yesterday on his birthday I made brownies and invited Davids family to come over and sing Happy Birthday and have brownies and ice cream.

Happy Birthday David, I hope you had a good birthday and I love you so much. You are a great husband and dad and I am so proud of all you do, you are such a hard worker!

27 weeks!

Here is a picture for you all that have been asking me to post a new picture of my growing belly! I am definitely growing, I feel like a huge whale, but I just keep telling myself 3 more months. Everything as far as being pregnant is pretty good besides the fact I can't sleep but maybe 3 hours a night so I am very tired all day, so I haven't been up to much. I go to the doctor every 2 weeks now and I go on Wednesday for my hour sugar test, so hopefully all goes well.
I hope everyone had a good weekend and a wonderful Christmas!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Temple Lights

So we decided to go as a family to see the Temple Lights on Friday night and when Tannon and I were out shopping earlier that day we went to Dunkin Donuts and got Donuts for after the Temple Lights, so after the lights we went home and had Hot Chocolate (yum!!) and Donuts and played a game of Phase 10 well Tannon watched her new movie "Shrek the Third"

Tannon does not like taking pictures as you can tell!

Ya I asked David to take a picture of Tannon and I and he decided to take a picture of the tree behide us.

Tannon loved baby Jesus and wanted to just stay and look at him.

We had a fun night together and I was glad it wasn't as cold as it normally is when I have gone to see the lights in the past.

Friday, December 12, 2008

8 Tag...

I needed a new post and I saw this on someones blog and thought it would be fun to do.

8 Favorite TV shows

-Private Practice
-Greys Anatomy
-Gossip Girls
-General Hospital
Thats all I could think of, sorry!

8 Things I did Yesterday

- Laundry
- Cleaned the House (I have a Christmas Party at my house this weekend)
-Christmas Shopping
- Some Scrapbooking
- Made two crafts
- Took Tannon to see Christmas Lights ( The big snowman on Baseline and 24th)
-Grocery Shopping
- Took Tannon to say bye to David's Parents

8 Things I look forward to

- David Graduating from ASU (May 2009)
- David getting into Dental School and finishing (I am so proud of David in doing so much for us)
- Having this little boy of mine
- Getting my pre- pregnancy body back
- Christmas (which is in 13 more days, I love Christmas!)
- Waking up every morning to spend the day with Tannon
- Summer time so I can go to the beach and lay out
- My brother coming home from his mission in November of 09

8 Favorite Food places

- Olive Garden ( Salad and breadstick with Alfredo Sauce)
- Texas Roadhouse (there yummy rolls and there house salads)
- Famous Daves (there cornbread and the BBQ Chicken Salad)
- Panda Express ( Orange Chicken, yummy!)
- Neds (Turkey Sandwitch)
- Apple Bees (BBQ boneless wings)
- Red Robin (Bottomless Fries with ranch)
- Mr B's Pub and Grill ( there Hot wings)

Man! this list made me hungrey!

8 Things on my wish/dream list

- My family to be Healthy and Happy forever
- To build David and I's dream house (maybe in 10 years, I hope!)
- For my kids to be successful
- To get in shape again
- Run a Marathon
- To go on a long trip to somewhere sunny and peaceful
- For this world to be a better place for my Family to live
- To go on a Huge and I mean Huge shopping Spree

Ya most of mine our dreams, but I will make them all come ture sometime in my life.

Monday, December 8, 2008

My Thoughts and Feelings on Family

I have always had faith and love in family but this weekend the meaning family has become so much strong to me and family means a lot more to me. This weekend has been a rough and emotional weekend for David and I and his family but I have grown to love each and everyone them so much more and they mean the world to me, and I would do anything for them. Family is the greatest medicine to help us through trails that I have come to realize, no matter what family is always there for you and and always there to love you. Recently David and I spoke in church and we spoke on ways to overcome trials and in my talk I talked about how Pray, Scripture and Faith in our Savior can get us through anything and they can, but I would like to add one more FAMILY, it is key to having family in our life’s because they can help us through trails. In this crazy world today and uncertainty that anything can happen, it is so very important than ever to make our family the center of our lives and the top of our priorities. It is so great to think that our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ loved us so much to make it possible for us to be an eternal family, so that we can be together forever. I love each and every one of my family member and I am so glad that we will always be together forever. I have learned a very important lesson in life and I will always make sure my family knows how much I love them and that I am here to help, care, love and listen to them no matter what, because I love them so very much and because they are my Family.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend!!

So David and I decided to spend our Thanksgiving Weekend at my Aunts house in Snowflake because he was going hunting Friday morning bright and early with my Uncle and brother, and plus my whole family was going to be up there for Thanksgiving dinner anyways. We had a good weekend, Tannon and I spent most of our time hangout with my Aunt, my cousin Jessica and my mom cause all the boys were out hunting everyday all day. And I am sorry to say but I was not a very good picture taker this weekend, any ways we left Thursday around 9:00 to head to Snowflake, it was kinda a scary drive up cause the roads were bad and we saw like 3 bad car wrecks on the way up, but we got there safe a sound, then we had yummy Thanksgiving dinner around 2:00 and then finish the day off with games and a cute Christmas movie and it was off to bed. The next morning the boys left about 5:00 in the morning and us girls did some after Thanksgiving shopping at Walmart but there was not much left when we got there cause we didnt get there till 10:00 but we did get some good stuff, after that we went to this yummy begal place for breakfast/lunch and then we went to the 12:30 showing of "Twlight" oh my gosh the movie was awesome, I like the book better but the movie was still so so so good (Man I wish I was a vampire, but a good one!) Anyway after that we went to get hot cocoa cause man it was so cold up there, I am glad I live in Mesa where it hardly gets cold. Then we finish the night off again with games and the movie "Hancock" that was a good movie too, that was along day and I was so suprised Tannon made it all day with out a nap but of course she got cranky at the end of the day! On Saturday we had a relaxing day just chick flexs and junk food and staying indoors, away from the cold. And now we are home, it was nice to get out of town but man do I love my own home with my own warm bed. We had a fun weekend.

These are pictures of the snow on the way up to Snowflake on Thursday. When we came home yesterday there was no sign of snow anywhere.

I didnt take much pictures but these are from our relaxing day on Saturday, I got her all bundled up to go play outside with Jessica, she looks so cute!

Starting to play with chalk, one of her favorite things to do, she plays with chalks outside pretty much every day at home.

My Aunt had this cat and Tannon loved playing with it cause it something she never got to do, but when Daddy found out she was playing with it, it came to a stop.

And her most favorite thing to do ever is ride quads, she loves quads.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Somewhat belly picture

Ok so for thoughs of you that have been asking to see a belly picture, here it is. I am not really showing to much yet for people to realize I am actually pregnant but they honestly probably think I am just getting fat, but man do I feel huge. Right now I am at the weird stage when you feel fat and disgusting, right now I am still wear my regular clothes but pretty soon I will have to make the switch over to Maternity pants at least, cause this little boy does not like it when I wear tight pants cause man does he sure kick alot and then I will unbutton my pants and he stops, man he's not even born yet and he gets what he wants, its to funny. I had a doctors appt. yesterday and she said our little boy is very healthy, I just can't wait to have him in our life.

21 weeks

Don't mind the TV playing in the backgorund, I asked David to turn it off so it wasn't in the picture but he just could miss "House"

Monday, November 17, 2008

Saturday Fun!!

So Marisa and I planned a play date for the girls on Saturday which was nice cause we hardly see them anymore but first we went to lunch at Neds, which was so good cause I had been craving Neds so bad, I even got a 12in sandwitch instead of the normal 8 in, (note: I did have to share with Tannon, before you start thinking, oh my gosh) of course I was stuffed the rest of the day. After lunch we went to Freestone Park and took the girls on the rides and to feed the ducks, I was kinda nervous for the rides part cause last time we went Tannon cried on every ride but I was so proud cause she didnt cry at all, she had so much fun. Thanks for the fun day Marisa and Madiysn, we need to do it again sometime. So here are some pictures from the park, theres not alot though cause my batteries died.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

20 weeks, can't believe it!

I cant't believe I am half way there and then I get this new percious child in my life, I can't hardly wait!
So I haven't posted really anything about my pregnacy yet, so I figure I will today.
So far pregnancy has been pretty good, I have been blessed to have a good pregnancy with Tannon and this one.
The only thing that gets to me is smells, my senses are very strong so the smell of meat cooking gets to me the worst out of everything and to me everything smells gross but I guess I am the only one that it smells gross to.
David and I went to the doctor on Monday and I was far enough long that we were able to tell what we were having. It was hard for the doctor at first cause this child had there legs crossed but the doctor finally got a good look.

And we are having

a BOY!

We are so excited!

Its been hard thinking of names that we like but so far we are going torwards the name Barrett, so everyone will have to tell me what they think of the name.

I was going to post a belly picture but honestly I am not really showing that much, so I will have to do that another time!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treating!

So this year I was kinda nervous to take Tannon trick or treating cause she is deathly afraid of costumes with masks, but I was impressed cause she did really good. At first she wasnt saying trick or treat to get candy but she would say Thank you, but after a few houses and observing other kids saying Trick or Treat she starting saying it.
And were off! We took the wagon but it was kinda point less cause she didnt even ride in it, cause she wanted to walk.
Look at my cute ballerina. I thought she looked so cute and she looked like such a big girl.

I had to walk with her to doors cause alot of the older kids would run to the door and crowd the door and she would have to stand there for along time. So Mommy had to help.

Halloween Carnival

In our Stake some of the wards put together a neighborhood Halloween Carnival last Wednesday. It was a lot of fun they had food, games the kids could play, and music. A lot of people showed up at the Carnival and it was nice to hangout with people in the ward and in the neighborhood on a week day, we invited some of our friends Wayne, Racheal and Reagan to come with us. We all had a blast.
Getting ready to walk down to the Carnival. This is the only picture I had of Tannon and I, so sorry its not very good.Tannon doesn't cooperate very well when it comes to pictures.
Tannon's favorite thing to do on a daily basis is dance she is always telling David and I to put on music so she can dance, so she was pretty excited that they were playing music pretty loud at the Carnival so she could Dance.

More Dancing!
David spoiling Tannon with Cotton Candy, she only got a little bit, cause personally Cotton Candy is gross its basically pure sugar, but Tannon loved it.

Tannon was getting a little grouchy towards the end so, Wayne was nice enough to let Tannon play with his glow stick, which Tannon loved.
Tannon with her very own Ice Cream cone, but she couldn't eat all so I got the rest. The Ice Cream cones were way good.

Tannon getting ready to play the fishing game, she got a yo-yo and even though she had no idea what one was or how to use it she was so excited.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

3 Years!!

Today is our Anniversary, David and I have been married for 3 years, and I can't believe how fast time goes by. I guess when you married to the right person and you are having to much fun together and loving life together it just goes by to quick. I am just grateful to be married to someone like David, since the day I met him he has changed my life, he has made me want better for myself and made me realize whats most important in life and to work hard. David is such a hard worker with going to school full-time and with all his homework and tests, he still manages to work even though its hard for him to do both. I am so proud of him for all he does and for his many accomplishments. He is such a great person, husband and father, and I love him so much! We have the best marriage and we love every minute we get to spend time with eachother as a family. I love you David and thank you for always being there for me and loving me.

This picture is at Olive Garden last night. David has school till 10:00 tonight so we went out last night instead. I had been craving Olive Garden so bad and all day he wouldnt till me where we were going for dinner, he would tease me and say we were going to Burger King and to Bass Pro but thats my husband for you, always joking, anyways when he got home from work we left and yep we went to Olive Graden and it was so so so good and then we went shopping and I bought a new shirt since I am starting to get to fat for my normal shirts and he bought a new wallet. We had a good night together, thanks David!

And this is us 3 years ago! I look at these pictures and it seems like it was just a year ago but nope 3 years. Again I have to say I am so glad I am married David, isn't he such a handsome man. Thanks to Davids parents for rasing such a good guy.

I love you David!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tannons Birthday Party!!

So on Friday we celebarted Tannons birthday with all the family and had a birthday party! Tannon was looking forward to this party for weeks and it finally came and she had a blast. It was a very stressful week getting ready for it but it was all worth it, it turned out really good and Tannon had alot of fun. So here are just a few pictures, there were to many and I didnt feel up to uploading so many pictures.
This is my Happy Birthday sign I made Tannon!
And this I am proud of! Her birthday party was cupcake themed so I made cupcakes, cupcake lollipops and a huge cupcake. This all took alot of work.
Here is a picture of what the center pieces looked liked.
So since her party was cupcake themed, I had someone make her a cupcake necklace and this is the only picture I really had that you could see it good.

Tannon opening her first present, this was her favorite part I think, she got way to many toys though and I still have to find space in her room to put them all.
Getting ready to blow out the candles!
And going in for her first bite.
And David and I, random picture I know! We didnt get any pictures of us during the party together so I took my own at the end of the night.

I just want to thank all of Davids family and my family for coming and for all your help. You guys all mean so much to us and we all love you so much!